Saname - Collagen & BoneBroth Specialists

20 Questions - Quick Overall Health Food Check - Quiz (Weight Gain Indicator)


Something a little fun to do but also a quick way to keep yourself in check and make sure you don't end up in the DANGER ZONE.....

Get a Pen & Paper and for every YES answer give yourself 1 point

A higher score indicates that you are more likely to continue to GAIN WEIGHT or REGAIN WEIGHT after a weight-loss adventure.... (I call them adventures because there is always a new FAD DIET / DETOX / KICKSTART / CLEANSE etc out there that someone creates and it becomes a THING but most of them are definitely not what I would consider as a healthy option to lose weight and keep it off that is for sure..)



  1. Do you eat white rice, white flour or white bread rather than whole grain more than three times per week?
  2. Do you have more than a 600mls (0.6 litres) of full fat dairy (milk, yoghurt) or more than 200 grams of full fat cheese a week?
  3. Do you have caffeinated drinks (green or black tea, coffee) after 4pm?
  4. Do you have snacks from vending machines (peanuts, crisps, wine gums, fruit juice) more than twice a week?
  5. Do you add sugar to food or drink almost every day?
  6. Do you have foods or drinks with added sugars and/or fruit juice (e.g. natural orange juice) almost every day?
  7. Do you eat fried food more than twice a week?
  8. Do you use products containing hydrogenated oils (e.g. margarine, vegetable oil, mayonnaise, commercial sauce) more than twice a week?
  9. Do you use extra salt on your food almost daily?
  10. Do you drink more than one glass of wine, 1 pint or 600ml of beer, or one 30ml shot measure of spirits) a day?
  11. Do you eat processed ‘fast food’ (McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Express, supermarket party foods, etc.) more than twice a week?
  12. Do you eat processed meats (such as sausages, ham, salami, bacon, smoked salmon, deli meats) more than twice a week?
  13. Do you eat foods containing artificial additives and preservatives daily (e.g. canned food, long-life milk, crisps, deli meats, jelly, jam, and sweets)?
  14. Do you eat dessert (ice cream, pies, pudding, pastries, cakes, cookies, or sweets) more than twice a week?
  15. Are there some foods you feel ‘addicted’ to, or tend to overeat (even when not hungry)?
  16. Do you eat more than four slices of commercial bread a day, on average?
  17. Does less than a third of your diet consist of vegetables?
  18. Do you eat less than 2 servings of fresh fruit a day?
  19. Do you drink less than 2 glasses of plain water daily?
  20. Do you eat oily fish or Omega 3 foods (e.g. flaxseed or egg with the yolk) less than twice a week?


0 to 3 - SAFE ZONE:

As someone who cares about their health, small slip-ups are probably not a major concern for you in terms of weight gain. However, if you do happen to gain weight, it may be due to consuming significantly more calories than you are burning, so be mindful of your intake.



The habits that you answered “yes” to may sabotage your weight loss efforts –or cause weight regain! To help get you on the right track, try to reach the "Safe Zone" within a month. By making sure to include more fibre, staying properly hydrated, and getting essential vitamins and minerals, along with a solid weight management plan, you can achieve successful weight control.



You can easily put on weight from your “yes” answers, so you must be vigilant. Rather than giving up bad habits all at once, set short-term goals. For instance, for one month go without two or three of the foods or drinks that aren’t good for you. Observe how you feel afterwards. You may decide to have some occasionally, while leaving others out forever without feeling any adverse effects. Stick to these changes for one month. Your cravings are likely to be only short-term withdrawal symptoms. Aim to lower your score to below 5 within three months by adding more fibre to your diet and following The 10 Healthy Eating Tips for visible results.



Your diet is not good and you will need to make some changes in order to be able to lose weight and enjoy better health. Take one step at a time. Aim to have your score down to 5 within six months. Start by following The 10 Healthy Eating Tips together with the advice of a Clinical Weight Loss specialist. The undesirable habits should be dealt with one at a time. Noticing the positive changes will keep you motivated. Remember that sugar, pastries, sweets, milk chocolate, white bread, cookies, full fat dairy, junk foods, and alcohol are all addictive. Your cravings will radically decrease (or even go away altogether) after about four weeks without them!


15 to 20 - DANGER ZONE:

Eating like this can lead to weight gain. If you're consuming too much fat, processed foods, sugar, and stimulants, try The 10 Healthy Eating Tip and consult a Clinical Weight Loss specialist. Pick two "yes" answers and discuss changes needed with your specialist. For example, avoid buying addictive foods for a month. Keep going until your score is 5 or less. After a month, you'll feel more energized and happier with healthy eating!


I Know YOU Can Do It & Your Body will Thank YOU for it... 

Bear in mind that the goal is to gradually reduce your score and get to the “Safe Zone”!

So scroll back and look at the YES questions and just choose the EASIEST 5 that you reckon you can DITCH within the next month:

1. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

3. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

Do you jump into a SAFER ZONE if your implement even just 4 out of these 5 over the next month - IF YES - thanks ABSOLUTELYFRIGGENAMAZING!!!! 

So let's do it.. We have a number of Detoxes and FASTS and CLEANSES that can help INCREASE YOUR PROTEIN CONTENT - REDUCE HUNGER PAINS & POOR FOOD CHOICES & KEEP YOU FEELING FULLER FOR LONGER WHILST helping improve your CELLULAR HEALTH from the inside out Head-to-Toe... so what are you waiting for LET's GO!!! 



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