Many popular diets and exercise crazes assume that they're going to work on everyone who tries them. However, every human being is unique. Health isn't one-size-fits-all. What works for one person may not work for you — it might even be detrimental! That's why we need to personalise our health programs to suit different body types. Once we know your biology then you tap into the world of personalised health tailored specifically to YOU.... we will talk about the role of genetics and epigenetics in determining your bodies' specific tendencies towards stress and food. We also delve into the different body types and what diets and exercises are most suitable for you, as some people are not build to run marathons & others are not build to lift weights or do gymnastics etc... EVERY BODY IS DIFFERENT!
If you want to get the full nitty gritty as to what specific foods are good for you and when to eat them and how much and what time of day you are best to exercise and what exercises you were specifically designed to do, then you will need to book/buy a full consult or you can DIY it yourself if you have a pretty good health background once you have completed the FREE test then you can buy the 1yr access to the app and get a personalised health assessment.
What’s included in the FULL SPECIALISED SANAME PH360 Epigenetic Health Package
Initial 2hr consult
Health risk assessment
Measure up and Platform Setup
1 x 1hr follow up (3 weeks later)
1 x 1hr follow up (6weeks later)
More info look at
* Please discuss with Peta on 0468 432 584 prior to purchasing this appt
Every individual is different, but SOCIETY keeps applying the same health approaches to everyone, which is WRONG
Misalignment between the body and its environment causes diseases.
Personalising your health helps you align yourself with your environment.
People have different chronotypes which are based on when their bodies can tolerate stress.
Some people are ‘Activators’. Their bodies respond best to adrenal systems. In turn, they have energy that matches their strength throughout the day.
‘Diplomats’ have bodies that respond better to their digestive and nervous systems. These people are more at risk for fluid retention, tiredness, and weight gain.
Muscle and fat production relies on the hormones stimulated by food and exercise.
‘Crusaders’ have bodies that are neurally-driven and are not prone to obesity.
Because Crusaders are more likely to lose muscle, they are recommended to eat several small meals per day.
‘Guardians’ have thick joints and big muscles. However, they also have the greatest capacity to store fat.
Guardians are recommended to have two meals per day (breakfast and lunch) and a very light, if not non-existent, dinner.
Because Crusaders are always on the edge of their fuel supply, intermittent fasting will impact their stress levels more.
Crusaders should only do one day of intermittent fasting per week.
Guardians, however, can go for extended periods of fasting because their rhythms are slower.
Being in a peaceful environment helps manage stress levels and makes intermittent fasting more tolerable.
Intermittent fasting and autophagy do not necessarily work for all.
Because Guardians have strong and resilient bodies, they’re more likely to survive if there were a lack of food supply.
A Guardian’s body is that way because in nature, they protect their community.
‘Sensors’, another ectomorph body type like the Crusaders, prefer nutrient-dense foods like vegetables.
Guardians, however, like high-calorie foods more because they provide a feeling of safety.
The dominant hormone for Guardians is prolactin—a ‘caring’ hormone.
Diplomats search for a balance in serotonin—a hormone that you get as a reward for pleasurable things. This makes them assess an activity carefully if it’s going to be rewarding.
Activators search for adrenaline, so they always want excitement and action.
Crusaders' dominant hormone is dopamine, which creates drive and focus.
Listen to the full episode to learn more about the different body types (like ‘Connectors’ and ‘Sensors’) and their dominant hormones.
Science has proven that your lifestyle can affect your health. Decades of research gathered centuries of data from scientific studies and lifestyle interventions including anthropometry (measurements and proportions of the human body), endocrinology (endocrine glands and hormones), neuroscience (nervous system), embryology (the unborn embryo), biotypology (biotypes or organism sharing the same hereditary history), phenotypology (character diagnosis according to appearance) plus 9 other areas of science. Taking these into account along with body measurements science can assess your current health status. Over 10,000 data points are captured during this process. They use a combination of Western genetics and Traditional Chinese & Ayurvedic principles, then the data is used to calculate your current health. In short it measures your genes and how they are currently behaving.
You are not controlled by your genes, but rather by the effect environment has on your gene expression. The good news is that you are in charge of the environment around your genes
Breaking the 80/20 rule. t's not just about nutrition and exercise - there is so much influence from other aspects of our lives that was, up until this point...very hard to understand.
Knowing the DNA is one thing, but how that DNA is expressed is actually more important. There is a reason you skin reacts a certain way to sunlight, the size of your organs, the length of your bones, and it is all related to the environment that your body has been surrounded by.
‘We know that everyone's different, but then when we go to actually doing the thing, we apply the average, or we apply what we think is appropriate thinking that everybody else is the same. So we have this disconnect between knowledge and action.’
‘The mind is also on a clock of its own. Essentially, if you're exercising at the wrong time, you set up the wrong kinds of hormones, then you can actually create complete stasis in your health.’
‘There’s a full continuum of where people are. This is based on not just their wants to wake up. . . it’s actually as to when a body can tolerate stress, and how that stress should be placed on them.’
‘Whether you put muscle or fat tissue on, it's actually not to do with your food or your exercise, it's got to do with the hormones that those foods and exercise stimulate.’
‘It's not a one size fits all when you hear everybody talking about intermittent fasting or doing these things—autophagy, inhibiting mTOR, and all those sorts of things.’
'The reason that their (Guardians') body is built the way it is is [because] when we go through famine as a community, their body goes into conservation. They essentially start growing, or they start slowing down their metabolism so that they can provide food for everybody else.'
‘If you put your body in the right environment, get the right foods, eat at the right times of the day, work and do your mental stuff, you'll get health and you'll get optimal performance and you'll get longevity.’
Ecto, Meso and Endo have been hugely confused with different definitions. This presentation goes through the morphology of somatotypes and how they actually link back to the simplest building blocks of life - the embryo.
If there was a way to wipe out the top eight chronic diseases in the world would you want to be part of it. It could mean diseases like obesity or diabetes wouldn’t exist anymore. It’s almost unimaginable especially if you live in a country like Australia or United States of America where obesity is at crisis levels.
Almost two in three Australian adults were overweight or obese in 2014-15. Weight loss surgery doubled to over 22,000 in the same year. It’s an epidemic!
The last science we’re going to talk about is Semeiotics. It’s how signs and symptoms of the human body are used to correctly identify, collate and interpret the origin of simple or complex diseases. It can also identify the patterns of normality and therefor those conditions that could be pathologic (result in disease) in certain constitutions and are normal for others such as heart rate, cholesterol, perspiration etc. For example, a sign of low heart rate could be bradycardia in one person and normal heart function in another. Semeiotics can offer great insight into deficiencies or dysfunctions in many systems of the body and corresponding levels of vitamins, minerals and biochemical balances or imbalances.
Imagine this….. bring all the science we have spoken about together. What do you think the result would be if you found your ultimate in each? I’ll leave it with you
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